Teachers / Learners Activities

Common Task

In this part of the website CABS partners are offfering a range of activities to facilitate and encourage the use of visuals in teaching. They are related to the topic “Evolution of Arts in Europe” and can be carried through in different courses at different levels. Enjoy testing and using them!

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Descripción de un cuadro

Activity for Spanish classes - Teacher/learner Sheet with learners´results as example

Evolution of Arts in Europe - The Spy – An incident in History represented in Art

Activity for English classes based on a historical event represented in a painting by Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville

The Dispatch-Bearer1880 - Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville -FR
Evolution of Arts in Europe - Learners´ activity

Presentation of paintings created by learners and inspired from former pieces of arts

Irene Bild 2
Evolution of Arts in Europe - Hybrid Painting Class

An art online activity initiated by Anna Pohjalainen, teacher at Kuopion kansalaisopisto. Report of the hybrid class with Finland, Germany and Spain

Aquarelle painting with drawings-FI
Evolution of Arts in Europe - Love or Crime?

Activity for English classes - Teachers´Sheet

Evolution of Arts in Europe . Love or Crime?

Activity for English classes - Results: Learners´ Stories

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Learners´ activity

Nicanor Piñole - Activity based on a specific painting

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Reading Paintings - 1 - Subject

In the first part of the activity learners concentrate on "Reading the Subject" in a painting.

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Reading Paintings - 1 - Questions

The activity continues with questions in an extra file related to "Reading the Subject" in a painting.

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Reading Paintings - 3 - Light

In the third part of the activity learners concentrate on "Reading the Light" in a painting.

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Reading Paintings - 3 - Questions

The activity continues with questions in an extra file related to "Reading the Light" in a painting.

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Reading Paintings - 5 - Composition

In the third part of the activity learners concentrate on "Reading the Composition" in a painting.

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Reading Paintings - 5 - Questions

The activity continues with questions in an extra file related to "Reading the Composition" in a painting.

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Reading Paintings - 2 - The Colours

In the second part of the activity learners concentrate on "Reading the Colours" in a painting.

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Reading Paintings - 2 - Questions

The activity continues with questions in an extra file related to "Reading the Colours" in a painting.​

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Reading Paintings - 4 - Reality

In the fourth part of the activity learners concentrate on "Reading the Reality" in a painting.

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Reading Paintings - 4 - Questions

The activity continues with questions in an extra file related to "Reading the Reality" in a painting.

Evolution of Arts in Europe - Activities with Pictures

This presentation proposes various activities to be carried through with pictures. It is a collection of suggestions and ideas for teachers.

Visiting wonderful Padua!